Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Taxassachusetts Might Change it's Helmet Law

BOSTON, Mass. (WWLP) – Advocates for motorcyclists believe adults should have option to legally ride helmet-free. State lawmakers are learning more about legislation that would allow motorcycle operators and passengers to ride without wearing protective headgear.

State law requires bikers to wear a helmet if they’re traveling on Massachusetts roads. The Massachusetts Motorcycle Association argues that these restrictions are hurting the state’s economy. Many motorcyclists enjoy large rides, and that generates revenue for the state. Advocates believe bikers are bypassing or leaving Massachusetts so they can ride helmet-free, spending money in neighboring states.

State representative Tim Whelan of Brewster believes adults should be able to make their own decisions. “The trauma that’s experienced to the body is just as fatal,” he said, “so what are we going to do? Are we going to start requiring that people wear hockey goalie equipment when they go out riding on motorcycles?”

State lawmakers are currently reviewing the bill. It’s unlikely it’ll pass this legislative session.

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