Monday, January 21, 2013

Battery Mates

Finally, a way to make the most of all those 'A20' batteries.

Back in the heady sweepstakes days of the late 80s, you signed up for any contest that could win you a "Lifetime Supply" of anything. So when you finally ended up winning one, you were somewhat taken aback that it was a lifetime supply of generic brand 'A20' batteries. You know, the kind that go in a garage door opener.  You've had an awfully hard time making the most of your winnings -- until now.

You see, our fiber optic helmet mohawks are 'A20' battery hogs. The Fiber Optic Mohawks only hold one batter at a time, but you might to carry a spare since they run out of juice in about 3 hours of continues use.. Simply put: They are idea portable stereos for the lifetime-supply-of-'A20'-battery-sweepstakes-winner crowd.

It's a nice bonus that they're also a great-looking helmet accessory.  But let's be honest: It's all about blasting through those 'A20' batteries.

For some reason they also feature a on and off switch, but that seems a little weird. How is someone with an infinite number of 'A20' batteries supposed to make the most of their prize that way?

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