Friday, May 23, 2014

Loving my new mohawk

pink helmet mohawk
Dear Iron Horse Helmets;

Thank you for making such a great product.

Recently bought a new equestrian helmet and while Troxel makes great helmets with some cool decals I wanted something extra. A quick Google search pointed me right to your website, and I was immediately drawn to your helmet accessories tab.

After some debating between horns or a mohawk I decided your pink mohawk would fit my style best. I was very pleased with the pricing and it arrived at my home in perfect condition well within 5 business days.

I did follow the instructions on the packaging but my helmet is made of a different material than motorcycle helmets so the suction cups wouldn’t stick. A short trip to Target later I Velcro and super glued my way to an awesome helmet! The horse’s aren’t afraid of it and I have been told I look like a Gladiator when I am on my trusty steed Kimmy.

My students and barn-mates love it and I will be sure to pass your website along to them.

Best Regards,
pink helmet mohawk

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