Gayle Moore sent us this email:
I'd like to get a grey 3x tshirt printed up with the following on it:
Does this BEER make me look Fat? & 6 packs are for WUSSY's...Real Men have KEGS!
Adding a beer bottle of your choice might be good too.
You guys are the experts so I rely on your judgment? Let me know what you think and if we can get it done and sent to Helen, GA by Thursday the 29th....thanks for the idea....This will be worn in a Funny Tshirt contest at the SE Victory Rally in Helen.
Well, we love making custom T-shirts and we love creative freedom! Here you go:
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Predator motorcycle helmet
Our predator motorcycle helmet have just shipped and should be here next week. We are excited to finally get them! Please keep in mind that they will not be DOT and they will not have a red laser like the real predator helmet.
But the real Predator helmet probably would not of passed DOT either, so are are just trying to stay authentic.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Snitches are a dying breed T-shirt
Jake is pissed! Jake got snitched on and wants his revenge! We just made Jake this Snitches are a dying breed shirt so he can voice his opinion.
This shirt is dedicated to Jill. Jill...You know who you are!
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Iron Horse Helmets Advertising
We get solicited for advertising about every 7 minutes. I was looking through some old advertisements (on the bosses computer) and I came across this oldie.
It was designed when we only sold helmets. That's right, no shirts, no stickers and none of the other stuff....It must of been slow around here.
I also came across this picture of his wife:
Monday, May 26, 2014
Cat Motorcycle Helmet
Andy Hayes sent us this picture asking if we knew where he could get a cat motorcycle helmet.
We have no clue where you can buy a cat motorcycle helmet and I promise that you are the fist person to ask.
In fact, I can't believe you even noticed that cat with that awesome car in the background. You should of asked us where you could buy that car!
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Despicable Me - Minions Helmet Cover
Do you know what Minions are? Have you seen Despicable Me? If not, here is a sample video:
Well, the lady who makes our helmet covers has designed a Minions Motorcycle Helmet Cover:
Please keep in mind that we are never going into mass production with these and there is no way you will ever be able to purchase one of these from us...This was just a sample...And it is awesome!!!!
Saturday, May 24, 2014
10 Common Motorcycle Accidents and How To Avoid Them
Riding a motorcycle is dangerous. Luckily, bikes also give you the best possible tools to avoid crashing — incredibly powerful brakes, obstruction-free vision, excellent handling and very gripy tires. Here’s how to use those tools, and your very own brain, to avoid one of these common motorcycle accidents.
Motorcycle Safety:
Want to reduce your odds of dying in a crash? Get educated. New riders should complete a basic rider course from the MSF or similar while advanced tuition is available at race tracks. It can be cheaper than you fear.
Safety gear doesn't just help prevent injury in a crash, but can make riding more comfortable, put you in better control of your bike and help you be seen by other drivers. Bright colors on your helmet and jacket/suit will help car drivers see you, potentially avoiding some of the common accidents detailed below.
A Car Turns Left In Front Of You
The most common motorcycle accident. A car fails to see you or judges your speed incorrectly, turning in front of you at an intersection. Blame inattention, distraction, blind spots and even psychology; a driver looking for cars perceives merely an absence of cars, not the presence of a motorcycle.
How To Avoid It: Simple, you just need to see it coming. Part of your job as a motorcyclist is to develop a precognitive sixth sense. Look for signs that could indicate someone may turn in front of you: a car is at an intersection waiting to turn, there’s a gap in traffic near an intersection, driveway or parking lot. In either situation, slow down, cover your brakes and get ready to take evasive action. Yes, you do need to take something as innocuous as a car waiting in a turn lane as a major and immediate threat to your life. You also need to account for objects outside of your vision. Gaps in traffic indicate the possibility of someone coming through that gap, even if you can’t see them. Again, MAJOR THREAT, PREPARE FOR EVASIVE ACTION.
And once you've identified said threat, you can work it through levels of severity. Is the driver clearly able to see you, without obstruction from their window pillars, trees or signs? Is that person actually looking? Are they looking at you? How are they situated in the road? What is their speed? Where are their wheels pointing?
Look at their wheels, not the car, they’ll give you the first clue of movement. During all this, also be aware of what’s behind and to your side. Should you need to take evasive action, you’ll need to know your routes of escape. It’s no good braking in time to avoid a turning car, only to be swatted from behind by a tailgating SUV. What’s the road surface like? Is it going to be able to handle the full force of your brakes or are you going to lock them? You do know how to use the full ability of your brakes, right?
Under no circumstances should you “lay the bike down.” Your best chance of survival comes from shedding as much speed as possible pre-collision, and you’re going to be able to do that best with the bike completely upright, using both brakes. Even if you only have time to lose 10 or 20mph, that could be the difference between going home with bruises and going home at all.
You Hit Gravel In A Blind Corner
You’re out riding the twisties when, seemingly without warning, you round a corner to find a patch of sand/gravel/leaves/horse dung/whatever in your path. You put your front tire in it and wipe out.
How To Avoid It: Don’t hit it in the first place. Ride at a pace where your reaction time and ability to take action fit within your range of vision. On the road, “Slow In, Fast Out” is an effective rule of thumb. Enter a corner wide, to increase your vision and at an easy pace. You can pick up the speed on the way out, once you can see all the way through.
Trail braking is a slightly more advanced skill that you’ll need to learn and practice on a track before applying on the road. Using it, you brake all the way to the apex using the front brake before swapping brake for throttle. Since you’re already on the brakes and the bike’s weight is distributed forward, compressing the front suspension and increasing the size of the front tire’s contact patch, you can easily tighten your line by applying a little more brake or widen it by letting off. Doing so should help you avoid obstacles such as gravel.
Another advanced skill, which is oddly controversial in rule-loving America, but which is taught by advanced police riders abroad, is to maximize vision by using the full width of the road, regardless of lanes. Vision equals safety equals speed. Again, learn this from a trained professional before trying it yourself.
You Entered A Corner Too Fast
And now it’s unexpectedly tightening and you’re just not going to make it around. Oh no.
How To Avoid It: Don’t be a dummy. Only ride as fast as you can see and use visual clues like telephone polls and signs to judge a road’s direction, even if that road is disappearing over a blind crest.
If you do find yourself going too fast in a corner, the best approach is to trust the bike and try to ride it out. The bike is likely more capable than you are, so it’s really you that’s not capable of making around. Take as much lean out of the bike as possible by hanging off, look where you want to go and be as smooth as possible on the controls. Do not whack on the brakes, chop the throttle or do anything else that may upset the bike and cause a loss of traction. Don’t panic if a peg or knee or something else touches down, just try to hold that lean angle, look for the corner exit and ride it out.
This is another situation in which trail braking can be a real help, allowing you to safely shed speed while already in the corner.
A Car Changes Lane Into You
You’re riding in traffic when a car in another lane suddenly veers into the space you’re occupying. Remember, our tiny motorcycles can easily fit into blind spots and drivers looking for cars aren’t psychologically programmed to see motorcycles.
How To Avoid It: Be aware of where blind spots lie and spend as little time in them as possible. If you can see a drivers eyes in their mirrors, then they have the ability to see you too.
Beware of situations where lane changes become more possible. Is highway traffic slowing, with one lane moving faster than others? People are going to want to be in that lane. Don’t be where they want to be.
Look for signs of a car changing lanes: turn signals, wheels turning, the car wandering around its own lane while the driver checks his mirrors and, of course, the driver’s head moving. Be aware of all that, in all the cars around you, at all times, and you’ll be good.
A Car Hits You From Behind
You come to a halt a stop sign/cross walk/intersection/to avoid a family of baby ducks when, the driver behind you doesn't see you or isn’t trying to and plows into you at high speed. The most common car accident is a “fender bender.” A fender bender can kill a motorcyclist.
How To Avoid It: Use cars as your very own crumple zone. A single car stopped at a multi-lane stoplight, with more cars coming from behind? Pull in front of it (wave nicely) and you’re cushioned from any subsequent impacts. Between a line of cars works just as well.
No free crumple zones available? Stop to the side rather than the center of a lane, rapidly flash your brake light by tapping a brake lever, keep the bike in gear and your right hand on the throttle. Pay attention to what’s coming up behind you and be prepared to scoot away should it appear someone’s about to come plowing into you.
Be particularly aware in situations where there’s bad visibility, at times when drunk driving is prevalent (do all the bars around you let out at 1am?) and when stops are unexpected, such as at pedestrian crosswalks on very busy streets and stuff like those cute baby ducks crossing the road
Your Riding Buddies Are Idiots You've seen it happen. A group is out for a ride when one of them stops suddenly or something similar. His buddy is too busy day dreaming to realize and hits him from behind. This has happened to us, it can happy to anyone.
How To Avoid It: Make sure everyone is aware of proper group riding etiquette and knows to ride in a staggered formation. You’d be amazed how many people are unaware of this simple technique. Doing so increases vision and moves bikes out of line with each other, meaning a temporary lapse in attention wont’ result in a collision. Pick smarter riding buddies or do what I do: ride alone.
You Locked The Front Brake
Oh no, a deer/cute girl/cop/stopped traffic. You grab a fistful of front brake and, next thing you know, you’re laying on the ground, watching your bike cartwheel down the street.
How To Avoid It: Learn to use your front brake. It might seem counter-intuitive, but that front brake is the most powerful and difficult-to-master component on your motorcycle; it can alter your speed much more quickly than your engine.
If you’re just learning to ride, have simply never mastered this skill or bought a new bike and need to learn it, find a big, empty parking lot and start practicing. From a set speed (say 30mph), start braking at a certain mark, then repeat ad infinitum until you've reduced your braking distance as much as possible. You should be able to feel the tire on the very edge of locking up and the rear wheel lifting off the ground. Then go and practice at higher and higher speeds until you can employ the maximum braking ability of your motorcycle reliably and safely.
Or just buy a bike with ABS, remember you have it, and squeeze the lever as hard as you can when you need to make an emergency stop.
A Car Opened Its Door
The biggest gap in traffic was between a line of parked cars and a stationary line of active traffic. So you go scooting through it when, all of a sudden, Nathan-no-look swings his door wide open right in front of you.
How To Avoid It: Never, ever, ever, ever ride between an active traffic lane and parked cars. Not just because of the opening doors thing, but because pedestrians step out, cars pull out so they can see, and for a million other reasons. Just don’t do it. If you do, somehow, find yourself in a door opening situation though, follow all the advice above and brake as hard as possible. Even if a collision is inevitable, shedding even a small fraction of your speed can really help.
Cyclist’s call the area next to parked cars, within a doors’ width “The Death Zone” for a reason.
It’s Slippery!
Stuff is coming out of the sky! That stuff is cold, wet and, surprise surprise, slippery. Listen to Douglas Adams and don’t panic.
How To Avoid It: Does your bike have decent tires on it or were you silly and decided that running track rubber on the road was a good idea. Hint: it’s not. So long as you’re running reasonable tires and those tires aren't worn out, you’ll be surprised at how well a motorcycle does in wet or even snowy conditions. Just slow down and be as smooth as possible on the controls.
In the wet, stuff like manhole covers become super, extra slippery and you’ll need to watch out for oil and Diesel on the road as well. Look for patches of rainbow and avoid those. If it hasn’t rained for a while, the first hour or so of rainfall is the most treacherous, it lifts all the oils and whatnot out of the pavement, floating it on top. Treat yourself to a hot cup of coffee and wait for a solid downpour to wash all that junk away.
Also beware of the limited visibility rain creates for other drivers and their general ineptitude; car drivers don’t seem to understand that slippery conditions necessitate longer following distances and earlier braking.
Ron Tyler advocates keeping revs up in the wet. The thinking is that, should your rear spin up, you’ll be using a smaller amount of throttle opening, allowing you to regain traction much easier than if you’re riding at 30mph in 6th, at wide open throttle.
The Most Common Bike Accident
According to the 1981 Hurt Report — the largest study ever conducted on motorcycle accident causation — alcohol is a factor in 50 percent of all bike wrecks.
How To Avoid It: Don’t drink and ride.
Article by: Wes Siler
Motorcycle Safety:
Want to reduce your odds of dying in a crash? Get educated. New riders should complete a basic rider course from the MSF or similar while advanced tuition is available at race tracks. It can be cheaper than you fear.
Safety gear doesn't just help prevent injury in a crash, but can make riding more comfortable, put you in better control of your bike and help you be seen by other drivers. Bright colors on your helmet and jacket/suit will help car drivers see you, potentially avoiding some of the common accidents detailed below.
A Car Turns Left In Front Of You
The most common motorcycle accident. A car fails to see you or judges your speed incorrectly, turning in front of you at an intersection. Blame inattention, distraction, blind spots and even psychology; a driver looking for cars perceives merely an absence of cars, not the presence of a motorcycle.
How To Avoid It: Simple, you just need to see it coming. Part of your job as a motorcyclist is to develop a precognitive sixth sense. Look for signs that could indicate someone may turn in front of you: a car is at an intersection waiting to turn, there’s a gap in traffic near an intersection, driveway or parking lot. In either situation, slow down, cover your brakes and get ready to take evasive action. Yes, you do need to take something as innocuous as a car waiting in a turn lane as a major and immediate threat to your life. You also need to account for objects outside of your vision. Gaps in traffic indicate the possibility of someone coming through that gap, even if you can’t see them. Again, MAJOR THREAT, PREPARE FOR EVASIVE ACTION.
And once you've identified said threat, you can work it through levels of severity. Is the driver clearly able to see you, without obstruction from their window pillars, trees or signs? Is that person actually looking? Are they looking at you? How are they situated in the road? What is their speed? Where are their wheels pointing?
Look at their wheels, not the car, they’ll give you the first clue of movement. During all this, also be aware of what’s behind and to your side. Should you need to take evasive action, you’ll need to know your routes of escape. It’s no good braking in time to avoid a turning car, only to be swatted from behind by a tailgating SUV. What’s the road surface like? Is it going to be able to handle the full force of your brakes or are you going to lock them? You do know how to use the full ability of your brakes, right?
Under no circumstances should you “lay the bike down.” Your best chance of survival comes from shedding as much speed as possible pre-collision, and you’re going to be able to do that best with the bike completely upright, using both brakes. Even if you only have time to lose 10 or 20mph, that could be the difference between going home with bruises and going home at all.
You Hit Gravel In A Blind Corner
You’re out riding the twisties when, seemingly without warning, you round a corner to find a patch of sand/gravel/leaves/horse dung/whatever in your path. You put your front tire in it and wipe out.
How To Avoid It: Don’t hit it in the first place. Ride at a pace where your reaction time and ability to take action fit within your range of vision. On the road, “Slow In, Fast Out” is an effective rule of thumb. Enter a corner wide, to increase your vision and at an easy pace. You can pick up the speed on the way out, once you can see all the way through.
Trail braking is a slightly more advanced skill that you’ll need to learn and practice on a track before applying on the road. Using it, you brake all the way to the apex using the front brake before swapping brake for throttle. Since you’re already on the brakes and the bike’s weight is distributed forward, compressing the front suspension and increasing the size of the front tire’s contact patch, you can easily tighten your line by applying a little more brake or widen it by letting off. Doing so should help you avoid obstacles such as gravel.
Another advanced skill, which is oddly controversial in rule-loving America, but which is taught by advanced police riders abroad, is to maximize vision by using the full width of the road, regardless of lanes. Vision equals safety equals speed. Again, learn this from a trained professional before trying it yourself.
You Entered A Corner Too Fast
And now it’s unexpectedly tightening and you’re just not going to make it around. Oh no.
How To Avoid It: Don’t be a dummy. Only ride as fast as you can see and use visual clues like telephone polls and signs to judge a road’s direction, even if that road is disappearing over a blind crest.
If you do find yourself going too fast in a corner, the best approach is to trust the bike and try to ride it out. The bike is likely more capable than you are, so it’s really you that’s not capable of making around. Take as much lean out of the bike as possible by hanging off, look where you want to go and be as smooth as possible on the controls. Do not whack on the brakes, chop the throttle or do anything else that may upset the bike and cause a loss of traction. Don’t panic if a peg or knee or something else touches down, just try to hold that lean angle, look for the corner exit and ride it out.
This is another situation in which trail braking can be a real help, allowing you to safely shed speed while already in the corner.
A Car Changes Lane Into You
You’re riding in traffic when a car in another lane suddenly veers into the space you’re occupying. Remember, our tiny motorcycles can easily fit into blind spots and drivers looking for cars aren’t psychologically programmed to see motorcycles.
How To Avoid It: Be aware of where blind spots lie and spend as little time in them as possible. If you can see a drivers eyes in their mirrors, then they have the ability to see you too.
Beware of situations where lane changes become more possible. Is highway traffic slowing, with one lane moving faster than others? People are going to want to be in that lane. Don’t be where they want to be.
Look for signs of a car changing lanes: turn signals, wheels turning, the car wandering around its own lane while the driver checks his mirrors and, of course, the driver’s head moving. Be aware of all that, in all the cars around you, at all times, and you’ll be good.
A Car Hits You From Behind
You come to a halt a stop sign/cross walk/intersection/to avoid a family of baby ducks when, the driver behind you doesn't see you or isn’t trying to and plows into you at high speed. The most common car accident is a “fender bender.” A fender bender can kill a motorcyclist.
How To Avoid It: Use cars as your very own crumple zone. A single car stopped at a multi-lane stoplight, with more cars coming from behind? Pull in front of it (wave nicely) and you’re cushioned from any subsequent impacts. Between a line of cars works just as well.
No free crumple zones available? Stop to the side rather than the center of a lane, rapidly flash your brake light by tapping a brake lever, keep the bike in gear and your right hand on the throttle. Pay attention to what’s coming up behind you and be prepared to scoot away should it appear someone’s about to come plowing into you.
Be particularly aware in situations where there’s bad visibility, at times when drunk driving is prevalent (do all the bars around you let out at 1am?) and when stops are unexpected, such as at pedestrian crosswalks on very busy streets and stuff like those cute baby ducks crossing the road
Your Riding Buddies Are Idiots You've seen it happen. A group is out for a ride when one of them stops suddenly or something similar. His buddy is too busy day dreaming to realize and hits him from behind. This has happened to us, it can happy to anyone.
How To Avoid It: Make sure everyone is aware of proper group riding etiquette and knows to ride in a staggered formation. You’d be amazed how many people are unaware of this simple technique. Doing so increases vision and moves bikes out of line with each other, meaning a temporary lapse in attention wont’ result in a collision. Pick smarter riding buddies or do what I do: ride alone.
You Locked The Front Brake
Oh no, a deer/cute girl/cop/stopped traffic. You grab a fistful of front brake and, next thing you know, you’re laying on the ground, watching your bike cartwheel down the street.
How To Avoid It: Learn to use your front brake. It might seem counter-intuitive, but that front brake is the most powerful and difficult-to-master component on your motorcycle; it can alter your speed much more quickly than your engine.
If you’re just learning to ride, have simply never mastered this skill or bought a new bike and need to learn it, find a big, empty parking lot and start practicing. From a set speed (say 30mph), start braking at a certain mark, then repeat ad infinitum until you've reduced your braking distance as much as possible. You should be able to feel the tire on the very edge of locking up and the rear wheel lifting off the ground. Then go and practice at higher and higher speeds until you can employ the maximum braking ability of your motorcycle reliably and safely.
Or just buy a bike with ABS, remember you have it, and squeeze the lever as hard as you can when you need to make an emergency stop.
A Car Opened Its Door
The biggest gap in traffic was between a line of parked cars and a stationary line of active traffic. So you go scooting through it when, all of a sudden, Nathan-no-look swings his door wide open right in front of you.
How To Avoid It: Never, ever, ever, ever ride between an active traffic lane and parked cars. Not just because of the opening doors thing, but because pedestrians step out, cars pull out so they can see, and for a million other reasons. Just don’t do it. If you do, somehow, find yourself in a door opening situation though, follow all the advice above and brake as hard as possible. Even if a collision is inevitable, shedding even a small fraction of your speed can really help.
Cyclist’s call the area next to parked cars, within a doors’ width “The Death Zone” for a reason.
It’s Slippery!
Stuff is coming out of the sky! That stuff is cold, wet and, surprise surprise, slippery. Listen to Douglas Adams and don’t panic.
How To Avoid It: Does your bike have decent tires on it or were you silly and decided that running track rubber on the road was a good idea. Hint: it’s not. So long as you’re running reasonable tires and those tires aren't worn out, you’ll be surprised at how well a motorcycle does in wet or even snowy conditions. Just slow down and be as smooth as possible on the controls.
In the wet, stuff like manhole covers become super, extra slippery and you’ll need to watch out for oil and Diesel on the road as well. Look for patches of rainbow and avoid those. If it hasn’t rained for a while, the first hour or so of rainfall is the most treacherous, it lifts all the oils and whatnot out of the pavement, floating it on top. Treat yourself to a hot cup of coffee and wait for a solid downpour to wash all that junk away.
Also beware of the limited visibility rain creates for other drivers and their general ineptitude; car drivers don’t seem to understand that slippery conditions necessitate longer following distances and earlier braking.
Ron Tyler advocates keeping revs up in the wet. The thinking is that, should your rear spin up, you’ll be using a smaller amount of throttle opening, allowing you to regain traction much easier than if you’re riding at 30mph in 6th, at wide open throttle.
The Most Common Bike Accident
According to the 1981 Hurt Report — the largest study ever conducted on motorcycle accident causation — alcohol is a factor in 50 percent of all bike wrecks.
How To Avoid It: Don’t drink and ride.
Article by: Wes Siler
Friday, May 23, 2014
Loving my new mohawk
Dear Iron Horse Helmets;
Thank you for making such a great product.
Recently bought a new equestrian helmet and while Troxel makes great helmets with some cool decals I wanted something extra. A quick Google search pointed me right to your website, and I was immediately drawn to your helmet accessories tab.
After some debating between horns or a mohawk I decided your pink mohawk would fit my style best. I was very pleased with the pricing and it arrived at my home in perfect condition well within 5 business days.
I did follow the instructions on the packaging but my helmet is made of a different material than motorcycle helmets so the suction cups wouldn’t stick. A short trip to Target later I Velcro and super glued my way to an awesome helmet! The horse’s aren’t afraid of it and I have been told I look like a Gladiator when I am on my trusty steed Kimmy.
My students and barn-mates love it and I will be sure to pass your website along to them.
Best Regards,
Thank you for making such a great product.
Recently bought a new equestrian helmet and while Troxel makes great helmets with some cool decals I wanted something extra. A quick Google search pointed me right to your website, and I was immediately drawn to your helmet accessories tab.
After some debating between horns or a mohawk I decided your pink mohawk would fit my style best. I was very pleased with the pricing and it arrived at my home in perfect condition well within 5 business days.
I did follow the instructions on the packaging but my helmet is made of a different material than motorcycle helmets so the suction cups wouldn’t stick. A short trip to Target later I Velcro and super glued my way to an awesome helmet! The horse’s aren’t afraid of it and I have been told I look like a Gladiator when I am on my trusty steed Kimmy.
My students and barn-mates love it and I will be sure to pass your website along to them.
Best Regards,
Thursday, May 22, 2014
How to clean a motorcycle helmet
Gerald wants to know the best way to clean his motorcycle helmet.
Well Gerald, you will first need a 3 year old child.
Second, you give her a rag.
Finally, you tell that kid to get to work!
Or, just follow these instructions:
Well Gerald, you will first need a 3 year old child.
Second, you give her a rag.
Finally, you tell that kid to get to work!
Or, just follow these instructions:
Whether you're a new or experienced rider, chances are you're going to have a smelly/dirty helmet after all the motorcycle riding you've done. A lotta people ask how to clean lids inside and out, and although there are a lotta different methods and suggestions, I've compiled the most effective ways to do so. (Plus there wasn't a how to on this anyway, so I hope it helps)
If you own a helmet with a removable interior lining, then you pretty much have it made. You remove the lining and/or the cheekpads and throw them in the laundry machine at delicate cycle, while that is washing, you can clean the outside of the helmet with a soft cloth/towel/micro fiber and mild detergent. Moisten the soft cloth/towel/micro fiber, put a few drops of mild detergent on it, and wipe the shell gently, the detergent will do it's job with the grime/dirt/etc and after you're done, you simply wipe off with water until the detergent is gone. You'll be left with a shiny clean OIL FREE shell.
BUT for those of us with helmets that do NOT have a removable liner.. the job is a little trickier. Skin oil and sweat builds up and all the "spray cleaners" just don't quite cut it. I've tried helmet fresh and all it did was make it smell better, and I've tried Motorex Helmet Care Spray, which yielded same results, all fragrance, minimal cleaning effect (on the lining).
Follow these steps if your helmet doesn't have a removable liner and smells like poop.
If you own a helmet with a removable interior lining, then you pretty much have it made. You remove the lining and/or the cheekpads and throw them in the laundry machine at delicate cycle, while that is washing, you can clean the outside of the helmet with a soft cloth/towel/micro fiber and mild detergent. Moisten the soft cloth/towel/micro fiber, put a few drops of mild detergent on it, and wipe the shell gently, the detergent will do it's job with the grime/dirt/etc and after you're done, you simply wipe off with water until the detergent is gone. You'll be left with a shiny clean OIL FREE shell.
BUT for those of us with helmets that do NOT have a removable liner.. the job is a little trickier. Skin oil and sweat builds up and all the "spray cleaners" just don't quite cut it. I've tried helmet fresh and all it did was make it smell better, and I've tried Motorex Helmet Care Spray, which yielded same results, all fragrance, minimal cleaning effect (on the lining).
Follow these steps if your helmet doesn't have a removable liner and smells like poop.
Step 1:
Buy a helmet to clean if you don't already own one unless you want a how to: stitch your own head/scalp/face up thread.
Step 3:
Grab some shampoo. If it's good enough for your head, it's good enough for your helmet. Dish detergent might be a bit harsh for the interior, so avoid that.
Don't overdo it, but don't be cheap with it. If your helmet REALLY smells, then go ahead and put some more.
Don't overdo it, but don't be cheap with it. If your helmet REALLY smells, then go ahead and put some more.
Step 4:
Fill with lukewarm water. I have a feeling cold and hot might be a bad idea, stay away from the extremes.
Step 5:
Rinse to agitate the excessive dust/dirt out, you don't want to dunk it in the CLEAN water and scrub with the same contaminated water.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
BADD - Bikers Against Dumb Drivers Shirt
Not afraid to express yourself? Good, our Tees got attitude and something to say. Make a statement or make 'em laugh with T-shirts from Iron Horse Helmets. Got a great idea for the next Iron Horse Helmet T-shirt, send it to us - we won't give ya nothing for it, but we might use it and will be sure to take all the credit for it.
These tee shirts are available in five different colors and seven (got that, SEVEN) sizes. Yes, we realize that some of you are no longer a fit and trim size 44 chest, so we're offering our awesome shirts in sizes up to triple XL. Choose your color, choose your size, choose your quantity. BADD - Bikers Against Dumb Drivers is boldly printed across the back of the tee, we do some blatant advertising on the front and print our logo on the front left chest so you don't forget where you bought it!!
Our screen printed biker t-shirts are priced low enough that you could have a fresh one for every day of the week!
These tee shirts are available in five different colors and seven (got that, SEVEN) sizes. Yes, we realize that some of you are no longer a fit and trim size 44 chest, so we're offering our awesome shirts in sizes up to triple XL. Choose your color, choose your size, choose your quantity. BADD - Bikers Against Dumb Drivers is boldly printed across the back of the tee, we do some blatant advertising on the front and print our logo on the front left chest so you don't forget where you bought it!!
Our screen printed biker t-shirts are priced low enough that you could have a fresh one for every day of the week!
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
10 Free Helmet Sticker With $30 Order
It's the Interns Idea!
Can you believe that Iron Horse Helmets has a college intern? This "kid" thinks we should have a promotion....So here we go. Use coupon code "stickit" during checkout and you will receive any 10 motorcycle helmet sticker for free!Almost a Freebie
Stickit will take $9.90 off at checkout. Good luck and good shopping!
Monday, May 19, 2014
My helmet :)
Tina wrote us and sent us this picture:
I just want to say thanks to who ever I talked to about my boneyard pink helmet. I was super disappointed when it arrived too big but someone there explained to me that I could add padding to make it fit. He suggested weather stripping but I got extra padding from sport chalet that's used in kids batting helmets and it worked great! My helmet fits great & I luuuv it! I'm a new rider and this is my third try to get a decent helmet. It cinched tight, felt great and made a huge difference in my confidence :) thank you so much! I love my boneyard pink helmet :) Tina :)
Thanks Tina! It is great to hear from happy customers...And thanks for the picture!
I just want to say thanks to who ever I talked to about my boneyard pink helmet. I was super disappointed when it arrived too big but someone there explained to me that I could add padding to make it fit. He suggested weather stripping but I got extra padding from sport chalet that's used in kids batting helmets and it worked great! My helmet fits great & I luuuv it! I'm a new rider and this is my third try to get a decent helmet. It cinched tight, felt great and made a huge difference in my confidence :) thank you so much! I love my boneyard pink helmet :) Tina :)
Thanks Tina! It is great to hear from happy customers...And thanks for the picture!
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Funny Offensive T-shirt
Iron Horse Helmets does not have the monopoly on Funny Offensive T-shirts.
Here are some Funny Offensive T-shirts that we found on the internet. Trust me, no one here would ever wear this around our mother.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Care of your Motorcycle Helmet
Keep your motorcycle helmet away from strong chemicals. This means all those household cleaners under the kitchen sink. Cleaning it with plain toilet soap and warm water is always best.
Do not store your motorcycle helmet in direct sunlight. If the inner gets very wet during a thunder storm allow it to dry naturally.
Replace your motorcycle helmet every two to five years depending on its condition and the amount of riding you do.
The motorcycle helmet inner can become smelly over a period of time. Some helmets have a system whereby the soft inner lining of the helmet can be removed for cleaning. This is a major advantage in a country like ours where it is so hot. One can also wear a type of head banana made out of a thin cotton under you helmet (try a flee market for one). This can easily be washed thus keeping your inner, mold-free! When you do need to wash your motorcycle helmet inner ordinary toilet soap and warm water does the trick. As motorcycle helmets are all-weather items a little water cannot harm them so do not be shy with it when washing the inside. Then allow it to dry naturally.
Look after your motorcycle helmet like gold. Store it in a soft, protective helmet bag. Do not bang it, scratch it or drop it as it is designed to self-destruct on impact, thus protecting your head and neck. If you do, have it check out professionally.
Do not paint motorcycle helmet or attach decals to it unless you have the go-ahead from the manufacturers. The chemicals used in glues and paints can damage the helmet.
BTW....No one at Iron Horse Helmets wrote this; It was email to us by a customer. We personally think most of it is Bull Shit!
Do not store your motorcycle helmet in direct sunlight. If the inner gets very wet during a thunder storm allow it to dry naturally.
Replace your motorcycle helmet every two to five years depending on its condition and the amount of riding you do.
The motorcycle helmet inner can become smelly over a period of time. Some helmets have a system whereby the soft inner lining of the helmet can be removed for cleaning. This is a major advantage in a country like ours where it is so hot. One can also wear a type of head banana made out of a thin cotton under you helmet (try a flee market for one). This can easily be washed thus keeping your inner, mold-free! When you do need to wash your motorcycle helmet inner ordinary toilet soap and warm water does the trick. As motorcycle helmets are all-weather items a little water cannot harm them so do not be shy with it when washing the inside. Then allow it to dry naturally.
Look after your motorcycle helmet like gold. Store it in a soft, protective helmet bag. Do not bang it, scratch it or drop it as it is designed to self-destruct on impact, thus protecting your head and neck. If you do, have it check out professionally.
Do not paint motorcycle helmet or attach decals to it unless you have the go-ahead from the manufacturers. The chemicals used in glues and paints can damage the helmet.
BTW....No one at Iron Horse Helmets wrote this; It was email to us by a customer. We personally think most of it is Bull Shit!
Friday, May 16, 2014
Forever Two Wheels Shirt
We live by the credo of hard work and handle all aspects of our business in-house. Art, print, and shipping.
While racing, building, and riding motorcycles for decades we have learned that nothing goes better with a cool bike, then a bitchin Forever Two Wheels t-shirt.
Iron Horse Helmets expands the line up with a new limited numbered shirt almost every week.
We don't sponsor any racers, Road Race, Motocross, Land Speed, Flattrack, Drag Racing, and Enduro.
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Forever Two Wheels Shirt |
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Work Harder Millions On Welfare Are Depending On You T-Shirt
The problem with working at Iron Horse Helmets is that I want everything we sell.
GOVERNMENT : If you think the problems we create are bad, just wait until you see our solutions.
This Work Harder Millions On Welfare Are Depending On You T-Shirt is no exception. I love this shirt and I just stole 1 for myself.
And Remember our saying:
I plan on wearing it to a local gun show! I will be a Hero!
GOVERNMENT : If you think the problems we create are bad, just wait until you see our solutions.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
cigarette machine
Iron Horse Helmets is always looking for new profit centers.
Our genius boss has decided to introduce a little fun game to all the warehouse employees...since they all smoke.
Our new cigarette machine is possibly the coolest cigarette machine ever made. Please feel free to steal the idea and I will keep you posted about the amazing profits he makes. I would not be surprised if stop selling motorcycle helmets all together since the warehouse guys smokes to much.
Monday, May 12, 2014
Winter is not here and not even close, but our boss can't resist the chance to look at ordering more Balaclavas. I have no clue why we need to look at these, but I just do as I am told.
Please tell us what you think of our new designs that should arrive around fall. Oh, you don't know when fall starts? Well, just think about football season...That is fall.
We have only two seasons here at Iron Horse Helmets:
1. Riding Season
2. Football Season
and the season we don't acknowledge is tax season...That one sucks.
Please tell us what you think of our new designs that should arrive around fall. Oh, you don't know when fall starts? Well, just think about football season...That is fall.
We have only two seasons here at Iron Horse Helmets:
1. Riding Season
2. Football Season
and the season we don't acknowledge is tax season...That one sucks.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Motorcyclist Traffic Fatalities by State: 2013 Preliminary Data

U.S. motorcyclist fatalities are projected to drop in 2013, according to a new analysis of preliminary state data.
The report, Spotlight on Highway Safety , released on Tuesday by the Governors Highway Safety Association, a nonprofit organization representing state highway safety offices, noted that despite the projected 7 percent decrease in rider deaths compared with 2012, overall motorcyclist safety has not improved in fifteen years; 2013 is only the second year in that time that motorcycle fatalities will have dropped.
The results, based on motorcyclist fatality counts reported to the association by all 50 states and the District of Columbia for the first nine months of 2013, indicated that motorcycle fatalities are projected up in 13 states, down in 35 states and the District of Columbia, and to remain the same in two states compared with the first nine months of 2012.
Dr. James Hedlund of Highway Safety North, a former senior official with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), authored the report. Weather was the biggest factor to explain the drop in fatalities from 2012 to 2013, the report said: the first six months of 2012 were unusually warm and dry across the nation, prompting an uptick in ridership, which led to increased fatalities; 2013 was cooler and wetter in the first nine months, when motorcycle travel and fatalities dropped in many states.
“Long-term gains in motorcyclist safety won’t occur because riders are deterred by bad weather, but from consistent use of proven countermeasures,” Kendell Poole, the association’s chairman and director of the Tennessee Office of Highway Safety, said in a statement.
Motorcycles are still far more risky than passenger vehicles, the report said. In 2011, motorcyclists accounted for six times more fatalities per vehicle registration than passenger vehicles. Several proven solutions for further reducing motorcycle fatalities, particularly requiring all riders to wear a helmet, were recommended.
“By far, helmets are the single most effective way to prevent serious injury and death in the event of a motorcycle crash. But states are going backward when it comes to enacting this proven, lifesaving countermeasure,” Poole said.
Only 19 states and D.C. currently have universal helmet laws and the recent trend among states has been a push to repeal helmet laws. Another 28 states require helmet use by riders younger than age 18 or 21, and three states have no requirement. According to NHTSA, in 2012, there were 10 times as many unhelmeted motorcyclist fatalities in states without universal helmet laws, compared to states with universal helmet laws, and nationwide, helmet use dropped to 60 percent in 2012, down from 66 percent in 2011, according to the report.
In addition to increasing helmet use by adopting universal helmet laws, the report recommended that states: employ measures that will help reduce alcohol impairment and speeding, improve access to motorcycle training, and ensure that motorcyclists are properly licensed. (The motorcycle license test prompts riders to complete a training course; by encouraging licensing, states encourage training, the association said.)
To read the full report, click here.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Zan Headgear
It's photo time again. Check out these new neoprene face mask pictures that we just received.
These photos actually came in from Zan Headgear who is the manufacturer of some of our biker masks.
As you can see by the pictures, Zan does not want to be for bikers anymore; Zan wants hunters and skiers to use their products.
So listen, please use a Camouflage Neodanna next time you plan on shooting Bambi. Also, please use neoprene face mask next time you plan on spending $150 on ski lift tickets.
Friday, May 9, 2014
When I Die Make it Look Like I was Doing Something Cool Shirt
I write this with a hasty and uncertain hand, for I have beheld otherworldly horrors that have shaken the very foundations of my mind. One night early last month I came upon a dream of my death in the middle of the night, and though its denizens at first seemed friendly (even officious), their unnatural countenances unnerved me extremely. And lo! They were hiding an eldritch, ancient evil most foul:
An When I Die Make it Look Like I was Doing Something Cool Shirt.
I've finally figured out that one day I too must die...As all things die. I only hope I look cool on my way out.
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Spiked German Motorcycle Helmet
WARNING! This spike helmet will attract attention from all who see it, not for faint of heart, wearer may be subjected to extreme reactions by other riders.
IronHorseHelmets.Com Offers German Styled Spiked Novelty Helmets and German Style D.O.T. Approved Helmets.
No, we can not spike a DOT Helmet, we only can spike Novelty Helmets. YOU can spike a DOT German Helmet if you want, but it will not really be DOT approved anymore. Sure, it will still have a DOT sticker, but it won't truly be a DOT Helmet.
Feel free to spike a DOT German if you can still sleep with yourself at night. Personally, such unethical breaking of a DOT Law would keep me up at night.
No, we can not spike a DOT Helmet, we only can spike Novelty Helmets. YOU can spike a DOT German Helmet if you want, but it will not really be DOT approved anymore. Sure, it will still have a DOT sticker, but it won't truly be a DOT Helmet.
Feel free to spike a DOT German if you can still sleep with yourself at night. Personally, such unethical breaking of a DOT Law would keep me up at night.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Go to church or the devil will get you shirt
Welcome to Alabama! Have you ever driven through Alabama? Have you ever seen this sign?
This sign is kind of a joke around Alabama and everyone thinks it is hilarious. It has kind of become a cult favorite and a inside joke. The picture of the devil came from an old sign that was once on a building on U.S. 31 in Prattville, AL.
Our warehouse manager just came in with this shirt and we wanted decided to make our own Go to church or the devil will get you shirt:
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Go to church or the devil will get you shirt |
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Leather Motorcycle Helmet
Breaking Iron Horse Helmets New........
Our factory is finally breaking the Henry Ford model. We have been asking for different colored leather motorcycle helmets for years...And they have told us black was the only option.
But, not anymore. Those Chinese guys just sent us these pictures of new leather motorcycle helmet options:
Our factory is finally breaking the Henry Ford model. We have been asking for different colored leather motorcycle helmets for years...And they have told us black was the only option.
But, not anymore. Those Chinese guys just sent us these pictures of new leather motorcycle helmet options:
Get ready 2014 because Iron Horse Helmets designers are catching up!
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