Friday, April 5, 2013

Skunk Motorcycle Helmet

We had a call today from a customer wanting a Skunk Motorcycle Helmet.  We have 100's of motorcycle helmets, but of course she wanted one that we did not have.  We were able to "kind of" help her.

Step 1: Materials Needed
Black & White Acrylic "fun"fur
Heavy Duty Velcro, adhesive backed
Hot glue gun
Utility knife Helmet.
Classic Motorcycle Helmet

You will need about 1/3 yard each of black and white fun fur. I also saw a nice, furry bath rug that would be neat, only I didn't want to spend $20 on it just to cut it up. Check thrift stores for rugs or old jackets. The fun fur is $12 a yard at JoAnn Craft Stores. Unfortunately, it has a "Grain" to it, and it runs across the fabric bolt, so if you buy an 8-inch, full-width strip, the grain runs perpendicular to the direction you need it. I simply cut the pieces short, then glued them together. It is much easier to cut the fur with a utility knife than with scissors- the scissors cut the long hairs off, while the blade only slices through the backing. The scissors are for cutting the Velcro.
You can find the full instructions on the internet at the  instructables Website

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