Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Kayak Helmets

Sure, you thought that Iron Horse Helmets only sold motorcycle helmets....And so did we.

But Tony Diliberto thought differently. Tony ate a big bowl of pasta and said, "hmmmmm, I need a cool Kayak Helmet. Maybe I should turn a polo boneyard red motorcycle helmet into a kayak helmet."

So tony downed another glass of wine and went to the Iron Horse Helmets website. Two days later his new motorcycle....I mean kayak helmet arrived at his cab stand in Tennessee.

That weekend Tony made a splash at some pot smoking hippie kayak fest. All those hippies sat around the fire and hugged all night. They talked about Tonys' new helmet. They talked about patchouli. They listened to Widespread Panic....And the ladies gave out free hippie love!

Thanks for the invite Tony....I had a blast.
Kayak Helmet

Kayak Helmet

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